08 11 18, Дюбель-хомут ДХ 11–18 (черн) (100шт) (Fortisflex)

08 11 18

Предыдущее Следующее 31 июля 5 из LRT English. Rally against Lukashenko and violence, in Baranavichy , 16 August.

Tsikhanouskaya stated that the council should be made of "civil society activists, respected Belarusians and professionals" to handle the transfer of power from Lukashenko.

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On 17 August , Tsikhanouskaya released a video in which she stated that she was ready to lead a transitional government [] [] and to organise a new, free, and fair presidential election. Dmitry Peskov , spokesperson for Russian President Vladimir Putin welcomed the fact that the leadership of the Coordination Council did not want to reduce their ties with Russia and instead hoped to continue with good bilateral relationships between the two countries.

On 17 September , the European Parliament recognized the coordination council as the "interim representation of the people" of Belarus. In late October , the Coordination Council created a shadow government, called National Anti-Crisis Management NAM , for organising the detailed administrative tasks for a peaceful transfer of power to a fairly and freely elected president. On 10 August, a protester, Alexander Taraikovsky , died near Pushkinskaya metro station.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the protester tried to throw an explosive device at the government troopers and it exploded in his arms.

It showed a man in a white shirt that looked similar to Taraikovsky and that was staggering unsteadily with a big red spot on his chest. On 12 August, year-old Alexander Vikhor died in Homel. He is believed to have had a heart-related disease. According to preliminary information, he died due to waiting in a security forces detainee van for several hours in hot weather. Also on or around 12 August, year-old Nikita Krivtsov went missing.

His body was found on 22 August near Minsk. Krivtsov was a fan of FC Maladzyechna , whose home ground is in the city of Maladzyechna. On 9 August, the day of the election, there was a peaceful protest in Maladzyechna against the official election result.

Photographs show Krivtsov at the front of the protest, carrying a white-red-white flag, confronting a line of police. A friend stated that Krivtsov phoned him on 10 August, stating that he was in Minsk and had nearly been arrested by riot police.

The friend said Krivtsov phoned him again on 11 August saying that he spent much of the day in a bar. On 12 August, the friend tried phoning Krivtsov but got no answer, which he said was out of character.

The body was hanging by the neck, but its feet were on the ground. The condition of the body suggested that Krivtsov had been dead for about a week. As a member of the election commission, he refused to sign the protocols, called his wife at about 5 pm and said: "I will not work here anymore, I am going home. This was announced by the search and rescue squad "Angel".

On 17 August, the human rights advocates from the Belarusian education and social association "Zvyano" "Link" issued a report, which said that at least five people had been murdered during the protests, and seven people were in critical medical condition.

On 19 August, year-old Hienadz Shutau died in the Minsk military hospital after he had received gunshot wounds in the head during the 11 August protests in Brest. It was reported that the shot may have been fired by the police. On 3 October, Denis Kuznetsov, a year-old male who was detained on 29 September, died in an intensive care unit after being transported there from Akrestsina. On 11 November, Raman Bandarenka, a year-old Minsk resident, a manager and an art-designer, was attacked and kidnapped from his yard in The Square of Changes.

After some time, an ambulance was called to the Central District Department of Internal Affairs, which found Bandarenka unconscious. He was admitted to the intensive care unit of the Minsk BHMP Minsk City Emergency Hospital on 12 November at , where he was diagnosed with a severe closed traumatic brain injury, the acute subdural hematomas of the head, cerebral hemorrhage, and multiple soft tissue injuries.

He was in a coma and underwent surgery, but medics were unable to save Bandarenka due to his serious condition. Bandarenka died on the evening of 12 November The authorities and leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs never claimed that people died at the hands of police representatives. According to numerous publications, the suppression of the Belarusian protests was accompanied by extreme police violence, and systematic violation of human rights throughout stages of the detention process.

According to the statement, such actions suggested crimes against humanity. The statement also called for an unbiased worldwide investigation into the "systematic and extremely violent oppression" of peaceful protests in Belarus. According to the statement, HRF identified fifteen persons from the Belarusian state apparatus who were responsible for the arbitrary detention, beating, and torture of thousands of peaceful protesters. Letters informing these persons of imminent criminal prosecution for crimes against humanity were sent to each of them on 17 August.

On 17 August, the human rights advocates from the Belarusian education and social association "Zvyano" "Link" issued the "Report on the violation of human rights of the participants in the protests in Belarus from 7 to 14 August ", based on interviews with 30 victims of the police abuse, as well as on interviews with doctors of several Minsk hospitals. Some of the cases were supported by audio or video evidence. The numerous human rights violations were corroborated and condemned by a number of former or current Belarusian police officers, such as Sergei Mikhasev, former employee of the Viciebsk police department, who was detained along with other protesters and spent several days in a detention center, [] and Yuri Makhnach, a police officer from Lida , who stated that the authorities had prepared them for a war against their own people.

In a 21 August statement by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights , it was noted that, despite the majority of the detainees being released, serious concerns remained about the eight missing protesters and the sixty accused of serious criminal acts.

The Commissioner also confirmed that there were four deaths and was greatly concerned about the allegations of large-scale torture and ill-treatment of people, including journalists and children. On 1 September, in a statement by the UN human rights experts, more than documented cases of torture and ill-treatment of detainees were mentioned, including sexual abuse and rape with rubber batons of men, women, and children. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus rejected allegations of abuse and torture of citizens detained during the protests.

On 26 October, Anais Marin, the UN human rights investigator, called on the Belarus government to "stop repressing its own people". Around 20, people were detained in August and September, while hundreds have been reportedly beaten, intimidated, tortured, or ill-treated in custody, according to the sources described by Anais Marin. On 3 November , UN experts criticized Belarus government for targeting women human rights defenders, during the mass protests.

Three women human rights defenders were detained and persecuted by the authorities for their work as rights activists in September and early October. On 6 November , the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe revealed in a letter about the human rights violations and cases of torture in Belarus , following the elections, where security forces used excessive violence against protesters.

The report also stated to hold new presidential elections and initiated an investigation into allegations of torture. The Un claimed that the government had responded to these peaceful demonstrations in a heavy-handed manner, with the use of unnecessary or excessive force by law enforcement officials. On 22 November, more than people were detained in Minsk.

During the Belarusian presidential election , reports of attacks increased. Lukashenko also threatened to expel media and ban them from reporting on the election. On 9—11 August, several independent journalists were arrested in Minsk, Brest, and Babruisk. BY and Nasha Niva.

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The journalists wore special high visibility jackets and had personal IDs. Nasha Niva editor-in-chief also wearing a jacket disappeared during the night. His fate was unknown as of local time, and the Nasha Niva website was not updated for several hours after his presumed arrest.

Several Russian journalists from both official media and Internet projects were arrested but released soon after. On 10 August, local journalists reported problems with all major communication platforms and pro-opposition websites.

They also forced them to delete photos or crushed their cameras. Even though he was there as a journalist, the next day, the local court sentenced him to 15 days in jail for "participation in an unauthorized mass event". One of the few communication systems that managed to avoid censorship was the independent Belarusian-owned Nexta Telegram channel based in Warsaw.

Officials opened a criminal probe into Stepan Putilo [ ru ] , founder of Nexta, on charges of fomenting mass riots. The audience, the workers at the Belarusian TV and radio company in Minsk, asked why the station was not broadcasting the truth.

The officials had been escorted to the building by riot police who took control of the building. It was also reported that some staff had resigned and one hundred were planning to strike on Monday. It was reported that on 18 June, reporters from various countries, arriving in Minsk airport, were pulled out of passport control, interrogated and locked up before being refused entry and being told to buy a plane ticket to some other country, in an attempt to suppress the media.

As of 21 August, the Belarusian edition of Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper failed to print three editions, and Narodnaja Volya failed to print a newspaper edition both newspapers had a contract with the government-controlled printing house. The Belarusian Association of Journalists stated that the real cause was not technical troubles, but an attempt to block information about the protests and violations of human rights.

These newspapers also reported that the post service delayed the delivery by subscription. On 27 August, around 20 journalists, from both local and international media, were detained on Freedom Square in Minsk. It was reported that some of them including Paul Hansen were deported from Belarus. On 1 September, 6 Belarusian journalists who covered the protest march of students in Minsk were detained.

Initially they were taken to the police office to check the documents, but they were later charged with "participation in an unauthorized mass event" and coordination of the protests. Starting 5 October, only state-approved and sponsored media were allowed to act as journalists in Belarus. This was achieved through journalist licenses, which was first announced on 2 October after TUT. BY, and several other news organizations were stripped of their journalist mandates.

The licenses were strictly issued by the Belarusian government and forbid all medias from chronicling protests, demonstrations and other material deemed as "anti-governmental" by the state. On 12 November, anarchist activist and journalist Mikola Dziadok was arrested in a safe house in Asipovichy District.

The list included persons, Putilo and Protasevich were the only Belarusian citizens on it. BY of its media license over allegedly spreading "false information.

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On 23 May , Belarusian authorities ordered Ryanair Flight , a passenger plane flying from Greece to Lithuania, to land while over Belarusian airspace, and sent a fighter jet to intercept the plane and escort it to Minsk.

The action prompted widespread condemnation and sanctions from various European countries. On 1 June, Belarusian prisoner Stepan Latypov, detained in a crackdown on protests, attempted to cut his own throat with a pen during a court hearing after telling his family that he had been held in a torture cell for 51 days and being informed by police that his relatives and neighbors would be prosecuted under criminal law if he did not confess. The Christian Vision working group of the Coordination Council reported that during the election campaign and during the protests in , a number of employees of religious organisations were dismissed or forced to resign because of their political beliefs.

On August 22, , Alexander Lukashenko called on religious communities to not support the protests, shamed them for their participation in protests, and warned that "the state will not look at it with indifference.

Multiple IT companies operating in Belarus began moving their employees and operations outside of the country due to internet shutdowns, namely in Minsk. The intermittent cut-offs, starting in August , were said to have caused major difficulties in the IT industry.

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Global success story World of Tanks either relocated employees from Belarus to Vilnius, Kyiv and other countries. Software developer SoftSwiss transferred more than employees to Ukraine in August , claiming it was unable to continue to provide its services otherwise. The company stated they were planning a permanent move outside of Belarus by the end of , stating their reasons are linked to the volatile situation in the country.

Global game developer, Gismart , was also affected. While Gismart is headquartered in the United Kingdom, it employed dozens of people in Belarus. Similar to SoftSwiss, in August , Gismart began to move its Belarus-based employees out of the country.

The company launched a relocation program in response to the growing number of requests from employees concerned about the unrest in Belarus. Countries and organisations voiced their opinions with some accepting and rejecting the election result.

Many have commented about the protests with more condemning the violence. Some have done the following actions in relation with Belarus. What Vladimir Putin said to Merkel and Macron is a very symptomatic thing, because now there are attacks that Russia allegedly interferes in the affairs of Belarus. Moreover, there are no statements on the part of Russia, apart from the recognition of the election results. If you call it interference, then those who do not recognize the election also interfere in the affairs of Belarus.

Lukashenko announced a week after the election that NATO forces were, "at the gates" and threatening the country which was denied by NATO [] , prompting President Putin to offer to send in military assistance, [] A Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov , on 19 August stated that there was no need for Russia to help Belarus militarily or otherwise at present. We want to avoid external interference in Belarus. The resolution came after the violent crackdown on protests of disputed presidential election.

In May , a hoax by a pair of Russian pranksters convinced officers of the National Endowment for Democracy NED , including President Carl Gershman , that they were speaking remotely to Belarusian opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya and an aide.

They said the NED "support[ed] many, many groups and we have a very, very active program throughout the country" and that the NED had helped inspire the Belarusian protests. Its main aims are to support courtyard initiatives, emergency relocation, support for the families of political prisoners and helping those fired for political reasons. Unregistered candidate Valery Tsepkalo created a non-profit organization "Belarus of the Future".

The primary goal of the program was to support citizens of Belarus who suffered from political repression.

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Before the organization existed, people self-organized the funds with the same concept to support victims of oppression in Belarus, paying for received fines they received during the protests. Mikita Mikado, the CEO of PandaDoc , which has Belarusian roots, offered to support authorities police officers, army and security forces that want to retire, but cannot for financial reasons.

Mikado published a video and asked to contact him directly to get full support. We are part of the people of Belarus and we believe that the time has come for IT specialists to support those who suffered during the peaceful protests. Morawiecki stated that Poland would provide support for Belarusian independent media and non-governmental organisations, and scholarships would also be available to Belarusian students in Poland.

Lithuania offered medical assistance to injured protesters. Mikhail Orda, chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus , called for law officers to investigate every case of violence in a detailed and objective manner, adding that the trade unions were willing to provide legal assistance to all victims.

The white-red-white flag , which was the official flag of independent Belarus from to , has been adopted by the pro-democracy opposition and became a symbol for everyone who actively opposed Lukashenko.

Жыве Беларусь! The current state flag of Belarus has been universally used at demonstrations in support of Alexander Lukashenko. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools. Download as PDF Printable version. In other projects.

Wikimedia Commons. Further information: Timeline of the — Belarusian protests. Protests on 16 August in Minsk. Tsikhanouskaya S. Tikhanovsky V. Babaryka V. Tsepkalo [38] Ver. Tsepkalo M. Kalesnikava [39] [40] P. Latushko N. Statkevich S. Alexievich P. Severinets D. Dashkevich [20] M. Znak I. Salei T. Lukashenko R. Golovchenko L. Yermoshina [43] [44] Y. Karayev [45] [46] I. Kubrakov A. Ravkov V. Vakulchik A. Volfovich V. Khrenin N. Karpenkov V. Lukashenko V. Main article: Belarusian presidential election.

See also: List of deaths related to the Belarusian protests. Main article: Human rights issues related to the suppression of the Belarusian protests. Main article: Censorship in Belarus. Main article: International reactions to the Belarusian presidential election and protests. Congratulated Lukashenko. Recognised Tsikhanouskaya as winner. Not recognised result. Expressed criticism over conflict escalation.

No reaction. Current state flag of Belarus. The former flag of Belarus. Historic coat of arms of Belarus known as the Pahonia. Variant of the former flag of Belarus with the Pahonia coat of arms. Such installations were made in protest against presumable falsifications by the teachers []. Protest poster: "Fair elections. Freedom for political prisoners", 16 August. Rally against Lukashenko and violence, in Baranavichy , 16 August.

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An ambulance-looking van with the registration plate of the Internal troops BB Running internal troopers in Minsk.

Note the van with darkened glasses and without the registration plate: such vans are reported to be used by the government forces to bring reinforcements and detain people [] []. Independence avenue Minsk , blocked by the special vehicles: moving two-level fences and water cannons with dozer blades.

Pro-Lukashenko rally. Note the orange-black pro-Putin NOD flag. Minsk, 20 September. Government forces slowly cut the protesting crowd a few minutes before the suppression began. Use of water cannons in Minsk, 4 October. Note the orange color of the water: it makes visible traces on clothes. Use of water cannons in Minsk, 4 October water in this water cannon was without dyes. Approaching internal troopers supported by water cannon and assault van with a gunner.

Minsk, 15 November.

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Следующее частное затмение данного сароса произойдёт 21 августа года. Обстоятельства видимости затмения для некоторых городов западной Европы, европейской части России и Канады [1] :.

Обстоятельства видимости затмения для некоторых городов Азии и азиатской части России [1] :. Анимация хода затмения. Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии. H G Я O Фотография затмения затмение в Москве район Марьино Полные солнечные затмения Предыдущее Следующее 21 августа года 2 июля года Затмения этого цикла сароса Предыдущее Следующее 31 июля 5 из 71 21 августа 7 из 71 Затмение в г. Гуйттинен , Финляндия Затмение в г.

Балей Забайкальский край Солнечное затмение 11 августа года — частное солнечное затмение сароса , которое было видно на севере Северной Америки , в Гренландии , Северной Европе и Азии. Солнечные затмения. Теневые волны Чётки Бейли Бриллиантовое кольцо Заревое кольцо. Категории : Солнечные затмения по алфавиту Солнечные затмения год в науке Август года События 11 августа.